About SCADA by Poly Notes Hub | Important topic for Diploma Engineering Notes or Engineering Notes.
What is SCADA?
The full form of SCADA is Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. It is that type of system that is built to monitor and control the field devices at a remote site. It is a centralized system that monitors and controls the entire area. This system takes data on the process and sends that data to the control section. The main function of this system is to monitor and control all the equipment in the industrial system.
Block Diagram of SCADA

The major components of this system are:
MTU ( Master Terminal Unit )
It is also called the heart of this system. This system can be a dedicated computer or PC, a programmable logic control (PLC), or a network server system that is used to communicate with a remote field unit. It also allows the user to perform control functions on many field devices like breakers, switches, and other actuators depending on the data type.
RTU ( Remote Terminal Units )
Its main function is to collect or gather information from various field sites in which they are placed. Each Remote Terminal Unit is connected to the various sensors and field devices to manage the progress. It collects the information from the various field devices and sends it to them to the MTU.
Communication Equipment
It is the link or channel between the RTU and MTU system. The communication can be done through the wire or it can be wireless. It is done by the internet which provides bidirectional and unidirectional communication between Remote Terminal Unit and Master Terminal Unit.
It is also an important part of the whole system. Without this system, we can handle or operate the system. This software comprises a computer OS that controls the host computer system, communication network, and other things.
Functions of SCADA
There are four main functions of SCADA.
Data Acquisition
It is a foundation system of SCADA where sensors collect data and deliver it to the controllers. For example, The temperature is converted into degrees celsius and then fed to the next stage to do a particular task.
Remote Control
It is achieved through the control field actuators and based on the data-collecting process from the sensors.
Data Presentation
The collected data is processed, organized, and presented by the system operators to make a particular decision.
Network Data Communication
It enables all the system’s functions. All data that are collected from the sensors must be transmitted to the field controllers. The communication channel can be analog or digital in form. This system also has some kind of other network topology with transport validation independent of any content validation.
Its alerts the system operators to potentially operate in a proper manner.
Benefits of SCADA
Below we discuss the advantages of the SCADA system.
- It decreases the operating cost.
- It improves the quality of service.
- This system is high value service provider.
- It improves customer information access.
- Reduced manpower requirements.
Limitations of SCADA
This system has also some limitations which are as follows:
- Failure is difficult to find out.
- Network configuration is inflexible.
Applications of SCADA
SCADA system is used in many different kinds of industries, and here we write about some of them.
- Used in oil and gas refining operations
- Used in food processing industries.
- In electricity generation system.
Conclusion | Diploma Engineering Notes | Poly Notes Hub
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