What is Short Circuit? – Definition, Damages, Examples | New Topic [2024]

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In this note, we are going to learn about a topic “What is Short Circuit?“, and also about its damages and examples as well. Welcome to Poly Notes Hub, a leading destination for polytechnic notes for diploma engineering students.

Author Name: Arun Paul.

What is Short Circuit?

A short circuit in electrical engineering occurs when an unexpected connection is made between two points in a circuit, resulting in a path with very low resistance. This results in high current flow, which can damage components or cause a circuit breaker to trip, cutting off the flow of energy.

what is short circuit in electrical system - poly notes hub

Damages of Short Circuit

Below we listed some short circuit damages in electrical system –
  • Component Damage: Excessive current flow can harm electrical components such as wires, switches, circuit breakers, fuses, and devices linked to the circuit.
  • Fire Hazard: Electrical fires may result from the melting or burning of insulating materials due to the high current flow’s heat.
  • Equipment Failure: Equipment linked to the circuit may malfunction or completely fail as a result of short circuits, causing downtime and maybe monetary losses.
  • Electrocution Risk: In extreme circumstances, short circuits can produce hazardous conditions that raise the risk of electric shock or electrocution to individuals close.
  • Damage to Power Supply: Short circuits can overload power supplies, transformers, and generators, thereby causing damage and disrupting power distribution.

Examples of Short Circuit

Here is some short circuit examples –
  1. Damaged insulation causing wires to touch.
  2. Too many devices plugged in, overloading the circuit.
  3. Internal faults in appliances or devices.
  4. Improperly secured electrical joints etc.
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