What is Nuclear Fusion? – Process, Application | New Topic [2024] – Copy

In this note, we are going to learn a topic called “What is Nuclear Fusion?” and about its process and applications. Welcome to Poly Notes Hub, a leading destination for engineering notes for diploma and degree engineering students.

Author Name: Arun Paul.

What is Nuclear Fusion?

Nuclear Fusion is the process by which two light atomic nuclei merge to produce a single, heavier nucleus, releasing a large quantity of energy.

Process of Nuclear Fusion

process of nuclear fusion - poly notes hub

Here is the process of the nuclear fusion –

  • High temperatures and pressures are necessary to overcome the electrostatic repulsion of positively charged nuclei.
  • When the nuclei collide and fuse, they create a heavier nucleus that emits energy.

Applications of Nuclear Fusion

These are the important applications of this process –

  • Powers the sun and other stars.
  • Fusion reactors are currently being researched and developed as a potential future source of energy.
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What is Nuclear Fusion? - Process, Application | New Topic [2024] - Copy - Poly Notes Hub
What is Nuclear Fusion? - Process, Application | New Topic [2024] - Copy - Poly Notes Hub