What is Electromagnetic Spectrum? and Its Different Regions | New Topic [2024]

In this note, we are going to learn about a topic called “What is Electromagnetic Spectrum?” and about its different regions. Welcome to Poly Notes Hub, a leading destination for engineering notes for diploma and degree engineering students.

Author Name: Arun Paul.

What is Electromagnetic Spectrum?

It includes all forms of electromagnetic radiation, which are waves of electric and magnetic fields that flow through space. These waves differ in wavelength and frequency, and the electromagnetic spectrum includes the complete range of wavelengths and frequencies.

What is Electromagnetic Spectrum - poly notes hub
Here are the different regions of electromagnetic spectrum –
1. Radio Wave> 1 mm ( upto km )<300 GHzCommunication (radio, television, cell phones), radar
2. Microwaves1 mm−1 cm300 MHz−300 GHzMicrowave ovens, Wi-Fi, radar, satellite communications
3. Infrared700 nm−1 mm300 GHz−430 THzRemote controls, thermal imaging, night vision, heating
4. Visible Light400 nm−700 nm430 THz−770 THzHuman vision, photography, illumination
5. Ultraviolet10 nm−400 nm770 THz−30 PHzSterilization, fluorescent lights, tanning
6. X-Rays0.01 nm−10 nm30 PHz−30 EHzMedical imaging, security scanning, material analysis
7. Gamma Rays< 0.01 nm> 30 EHzCancer treatment, sterilization, astrophysical observations
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What is Electromagnetic Spectrum? and Its Different Regions | New Topic [2024] - Poly Notes Hub
What is Electromagnetic Spectrum? and Its Different Regions | New Topic [2024] - Poly Notes Hub